Bread Distribution

£30 will provide fresh bread for one family every day and this will secure bread for a month.

The civil war in Syria has spared no one. Killing and injuring hundreds of thousands, and displacing 12 million people, many of whom now exist as refugees in unstable conditions throughout the Middle East.

Since 2011, the majority of those forced to flee the fighting in Syria are those least able to deal with the impact of conflict – women, children and the elderly. Either trapped in overcrowded refugee camps, or leading semi-destitute lives in the cities of Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, their situation continues to be desperate.

This huge displacement has caused several problems such as food shortages. We have been providing humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees in Turkey living by towns near Syrian border. Now the demand is greater than the supply which has resulted in the prices to increase significantly. Syrians IDPS do not have enough money to afford necessities such as bread, food and warm clothing.

Ummati Relief Foundation has initiated bread distribution which aims to provide daily fresh healthy bread for poor and needy people such as orphans, widows, elderly & disabled people.

According to the Hadith, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was asked about the best charity, then he answered:
“Giving charity to a poor person is charity, and (giving) to a relative is two things, charity and upholding the ties of kinship.” Sunan an-Nasa’I; 2582

£365 will provide a needy family with fresh bread every day for a year.

Donate now towards our bread project and help us feed the needy!

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Ummati Relief Foundation

Bread Distribution

Donation Total: £100.00 One Time