Our Values

Our Values

Mutual Respect: We recognize the innate worth of all human beings and the infinite value of diversity.
Equity and Justice: We work to uphold equal opportunity for everyone, regardless of race, gender, color, class, ethnicity, ability, or location.
Care for All: We are dedicated to caring for the most vulnerable in society, including orphans, widows, the elderly and the marginalized.
Honesty and Transparency: We are committed to upholding accountability for our actions at all organisational levels and to being honest and open in our judgments and communications with others.
Self Respect: We pledge to help the poor among us without condescension, stereotyping, or humiliation.

Solidarity with the Poor: In the ongoing fight against poverty, we affirm our solidarity with all in society who are disempowered and marginalized.

100% Donation Policy

We’re an Islamic Non-Profit registered charity organisation, which means that we believe in complete honesty and transparency. Our aim is to do good – nothing more, nothing less. That means using your hard-earned money in the best possible ways, to make a change and save lives across the world.